Data-driven marketing strategies that work

T-shape digital and performance marketing specialist

As a data-driven marketeer, I thrive on transforming raw insights into actionable strategies. My forte? Seamlessly blending Search Engine Advertising (SEA), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and meticulous paid media planning.

What sets me apart? Beyond the typical T-shape, I bring a passion for structure and planning, ensuring that every campaign is a well-orchestrated symphony of success. Picture me as your marketing architect, building not just visibility but a robust framework for sustained growth.

Having honed my skills in the dynamic realm of scale-ups, I understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with rapid expansion. Welcome to a partnership where strategy meets scalability.

Get in contact

Amsterdam, Netherlands
+31 615 67 6363

Areas of Expertease


Working in a scale-up isn't just a job—it's an invitation to be part of a narrative where each chapter is marked by ambition, resilience, and the thrill of turning aspirations into achievements. That being said, it requires personal discipline, proactivity & being able to adjust quickly in this fast-paced environment.


The dynamic nature of a marketplace keeps you on your toes, demanding a blend of strategic thinking and adaptability. It's not just about products or services; it's about acquiring, building, and sustaining a community for both supply and demand.

Subscription models

Working in this space requires a blend of analytical prowess and creative finesse—understanding subscriber behavior, refining offerings, and keeping the value proposition fresh. It's a journey where success isn't just measured in transactions but in the sustained satisfaction of a committed audience. In the subscription world, marketing isn't just about selling a product; it's about curating an experience that subscribers eagerly anticipate and actively participate in month after month.

“Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touchpoints.”

– Jonah Sachs

Get in Touch

Ready to get planning? Let me bring structure and focus to your marketing initiatives in a data-driven scalable way. Let’s talk.